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Compass Control® Pro Certified Programmers

Compass Control® Pro products are available to Certified Resellers only and can only be purchased after completing our online certification. Key Digital highly recommends that all resellers use 3rd party Certified Installers & Programmers during installation of the Compass Control® Pro Systems.

Compass Control® Pro Certified Installers
Compass Control® Pro Certified Installers are the elite group of control system specialists that have completed the highest levels of Compass Control® Pro Certifications at the top of the class. They have the skills and expertise to work on everything from large Enterprise systems to small single room projects. They specifically within a defined territory can design, specify and install Compass Control® Pro enabled systems in wide variety of markets..
Certification Requirements:
- Complete the C1, C2, and C3 Compass Control® Pro Certifications.
- In order to be listed in our "where to find" section of our CCSP section, you will first need to complete and show proof of 5 completed Compass Control® Pro and Key Digital installations.
Aaron Gebauer
Big Horn Integrators
Big Horn Integrators
- Location: Sturgis, SD / Sheridan, WY
- Phone: 605-521-7055
- Email: aaron@bighornintegrators.com
Bobby Imkhanitsky
Elite Design Systems
Elite Design Systems
- Location: Stamford, CT
- Phone: 203-550-6807
- Email: bobby@elitedesignsystems.com
- elitedesignsystems.com
Mark Giles
Net Motive
Net Motive
- Location: Athens GA, Atlanta GA
- Phone: 404-620-9839
- Email: Mgiles@net-motive.com
James Bezdek & Jordan Landreth
VOX Audio Visual
VOX Audio Visual
- Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Edmund OK
- Phone: 405.231.1912
- Email: james@voxaudiovisual.com
Rudy Stebih
- Location: Delta, BC Canada
- Phone: 604-637-0533
- Email: rstebih@digiconcepts.ca
- digiconcepts.ca

Compass Control® Pro Certified Programmers
Compass Control® Pro Certified Programmers have completed the highest levels of Compass Control® Pro Certifications at the top of the class. This elite group of programmers works specifically within a defined territory and help provide the guidance and support to our newer Compass Control® Programmers as they work through their first couple of installations.
Certification Requirements:
- Complete the C1, C2, and C3 Compass Control® Pro Certifications.
- Complete our In-House Compass Control® C3 Pro Certification courses. As part of your final exam, you will need to demonstrate your ability to create custom bi-directional drivers with full metadata and simple installation modules.
- As a Certified Compass Control® Pro Programmer you will be given a protected geographical territory that will be up for review every year. All of the integrator referrals that we receive for programming assistance in your territory will be given to you.
- In addition you will be asked to go to Compass Control® Pro jobsites to assist inexperienced integrators to provide high quality systems to their customers.
Craig Bauer
Comptec Systems & Design
Comptec Systems & Design
- Phone: 308-249-3538
- Email: craigbrauer2012@gmail.com
Mark Giles
Net Motive
Net Motive
- Location: Athens GA, Atlanta GA
- Phone: 404-620-9839
- Email: Mgiles@net-motive.com
Stephen Gregory
Stephen Gregory Consulting
Stephen Gregory Consulting
- Location: Morrison, CO
- Phone: 303-697-2637
- Email: steve.gregory.colorado@gmail.com
- consulting.planetphineas.net/
James Bezdek & Jordan Landreth
VOX Audio Visual
VOX Audio Visual
- Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Edmund OK
- Phone: 405.231.1912
- Email: james@voxaudiovisual.com
Drew Preston
Studio705 Marketing Group
Studio705 Marketing Group
- Location: Saskatoon, Sask. Canada
- Phone: 306-291-0527
- Email: studio705marketing@shaw.ca
*Compass Control® Pro products are available to certified resellers only. Certified reseller must still hire authorized Compass Control® Pro Certified Installers & Programmers or program at their own liability. Key Digital highly recommends that all resellers use 3rd party Compass Control® Pro Certified Installers & Programmers to program the system. Prior to purchasing Compass Control® Pro products all resellers must complete C1, C2, and C3 Compass Control® Pro Certification Trainings. Installation time may vary depending on size and complexity of the system, as well as installers training on Compass Control® Pro. Compass Control is a registered trademarks of Key Digital Systems Inc. Compass Navigator, and Discover The Possibilities are trademarks of Key Digital Systems Inc. iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.